Business Contract Disputes
If you have signed a contract, and have not fully understood it only to realize four or more years later that you do not agree with the terms, it is too late to dispute it. Anyone in this position may lose money, assets, and their right to be free of obligations, and they may even lose future employment opportunities. If you have found yourself in a situation like the one described above, you need the help of a qualified Bucks County business lawyer to represent your interests.
A business contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. However, should the terms of a contract be ambiguous or in any way unclear, problems are bound to arise. Oftentimes, people will neglect to fully read and understand the terms of a contract and remain ignorant of the full implications of the language it contains.
In certain cases, one party cannot legally submit a claim and have it considered after a certain period of time. The Olen Law Office can appoint a Bucks County business contract attorney, knowledgeable and experienced in business contract disputes, to represent your case.
Breached Contracts
When a contract gets breached it can be a major ordeal for both parties. Some breaches of contract are small and can have remedies. Other times, the parties require legal representation to present their cases in court.
A reputable Bucks County business attorney can be firm in representing your interests and helping to resolve issues related to or resulting from contract violations.
In cases where the parties are both interested in minimizing the costs of a contract dispute, they can seek a declaratory judgment. Such a judgment can protect your rights and your interests while preventing similar disputes from arising in the future.
Business contracts take many forms, each of with come with its own set of rules, language, and best practices. Only the most experienced and knowledgeable business contract dispute attorney in Bucks County can represent your interests effectively over the full range of contract types. Some of the most common types of business contracts that we deal with fall into one of the following categories:
- Independent Contractor & Employment Arrangements
- Purchases and Sales of Goods and Services
- Partnership and Shareholder Arrangements
- Insurance Contracts
- Consumer Transactions
- Guarantees and Warranties
- Financing Services
- Incomplete Agreements
Why You Need a Business Attorney Bucks County
Our law firm has helped numerous people who had disputes in their business contract just like you — by reviewing the contracts they have signed or may sign and by determining how and in what way they may have been wrongfully exploited or may be in danger of having their trust abused.
In cases where our client expects disputes to arise over a contract, our business contract dispute attorney in Bucks County can help you to draft a contract before signing to ensure its terms are fair, especially to you. Our team can provide legal advice before you draft or sign a contract. Our Bucks County business contract dispute attorney will provide effective legal representation, prompt feedback, and practical legal advice.
If your case escalates into a trial, we will stand with you throughout the process to ensure your interests are fully and properly represented. If you have entered into a contract and the other party causes its breach, our team of contract law attorneys can help. Likewise, if you are planning to draft a contract that you intend to present to a potential client or customer, the Olen Law Office can help you to generate a draft with clear and optimized language that is most likely to get the result you want. Contact Olen Law Office today to learn more, and protect your interests.